
10 Ways To Take Control of Your Negative Thoughts In Business

                                    Do you find yourself having negative thinking patterns because you are frustrated by your challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed in business? This negative outlook can make it even harder to manage those challenges and move […]

Mornings Matter! Entrepreneurial Tips for Success

                                    Every entrepreneur seems to have a secret to their success. For some, it’s an ability to think outside of the box and take risks. For others, it’s staying humble, even when faced with huge success. While every […]

4 Tips For New Entrepreneurial Doctors

                                    Many physicians are pursuing passions outside of the clinic and hospital walls. And, what better time? It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur. In the last decade, technology has leveled the playing field and propelled an […]

Write Down Your Goals On Paper

                                    Let’s be honest, as doctors, we know how to make and achieve goals. Over time, we develop new interests and goals and it’s important now more than ever that we write the vision down. It is recommended […]

The Secret to Making Yourself More Coachable

                            Finding a competent and compatible coach is only half the battle. It’s also important to develop your coachability. As physicians, we are used to being the head of the team and calling all of the shots. We can sometimes find it […]

How Do You Sabotage Your Success?

                                  Everyone has had the experience of self-destructing. It’s a strange feeling to know that you ruined the very thing you were trying so hard to accomplish. Most self-sabotage is the result of discomfort. It can be the discomfort […]

Why Losing Your Job Could be a Good Thing!

                                    COVID has certainly made the already unstable medical client more uncertain and many doctors have found themselves laid off, accepting less pay, or fired. Whether you’ve already lost your job through downsizing, redundancy, or any other reason, […]

Why You Need To Monetize Your Medical Degree

                                We are all doctors and most of us chose medicine to serve and care for others (with the paycheck being an added bonus). We have obtained vast amounts of knowledge and skills. Additionally, we appreciate autonomy and making important […]

Time Management: The Key to a Successful Home-Based Business

                                    Home-based businesses have provided income for families long before the internet. However, the internet has made opening and operating a home-based business easier than ever. These new businesses can provide you the opportunity to earn a substantial […]

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