You’re here because you want the inside scoop on me, Dr. Drai. You want to know how I coach and motivate successful medical professionals and healthcare practitioners like you to monetize your brands and get paid for your genius.
You see, right now you’re tired, overwhelmed and stuck in a lifestyle that looks good on the outside, yet is butt-ugly on the inside. And you’re frustrated, overworked and unhappy. Every day, you step inside that medical facility, hoping and praying today will be the day you get to fulfill your dream of changing peoples’ lives.
Now, because I’m a doctor myself, I know all about how people think we live and I also know the reality of what our lives are really like. But when you know how to make money outside those hospital walls, you have the freedom to live the life you want, not the one people expect you to live.
Oops, sorry, I nearly forgot. You’re here to hear more about me. You see, I get so amped up whenever I talk about helping big-hearted doctors, nurses and other medical professionals build sustainable brands outside of their practices that I often get sidetracked.
Nonetheless, here’s my backstory …
I was you.
I was unhappy with the future of medicine.
Working out of sometimes 10 offices, being on call every 2 days, answering phone calls and emails, handling administrative tasks, and charting until midnight every single day was “normal for me.” And like you, I wanted a new normal, I just had no idea how to change things around.
You see, after spending 24 years in school, I felt deflated and constantly asked myself, “Is this it for me?”
Now don’t get me wrong …
I love my patients. But the demands of today’s healthcare system is restrictive and significantly limits the time I can spend changing their lives. And it made me feel guilty – like I wasn’t doing enough as a doctor.
Yet, I continued the same daily ritual of working from multiple offices, charting into the wee hours of the morning and being unhappy, until I fell asleep driving home from work after a 36-hour shift.
I know it sounds like a cliché, but I truly saw my life flash before me. And it wasn’t a fun and exciting life – it was one that I hated waking up to every single day. And at that moment, I realized I wanted more.
I wanted the freedom to spend time with family and friends.
I wanted the freedom to take a real vacation (without checking emails and voicemails).
I wanted the freedom to create a legacy for my unborn children.
The bottom line: I wanted my happy back. You know that excitement you felt the day you ripped open that envelope and squealed because you had been accepted by the medical school of your dreams – that’s the happy place I wanted to experience again.
And then it happened …

I found my “happy”
outside the hospital.
I branded myself and shared my genius with the masses. I wrote books. I booked paid speaking engagements. I appeared on top TV and radio shows. I landed interviews from national publications. I wrote medical scripts for TV shows and developed digital information products. Yes, all these things gave me the platform to monetize my medical expertise
And here’s what else happened:
I transitioned to a concierge service model where I now provide one-on-one care for my patients. I spend the time necessary to change their lives and I love it.
And the best part is that as a doctorpreneur, I finally have the time to do the things I love outside of medicine. You see, after falling asleep on the road I realized this:
There’s no way I can take care of patients when I’m not taking care of myself. And the same goes for you. You can’t give your best to a patient, when you have nothing left to give.
Your Path to a HAPPIER,
STRESS-FREE You Starts Here

Yes, I know your journey because I was on it. And, like I did many years ago, you too can choose to switch some things up and get on the path to a better, happier you. But you don’t have to do it alone.
Listen … I know you have questions, and you’re afraid, but I also know you’re ready to have the life of your dreams. You are ready for change!
And that’s exactly what I’m here to help you get. Notice, I said “help you get” because this is a joint effort. Sure, I’ll tell you everything I know, connect you with lawyers, stylists, website designers and a host of other people who know all about the power of building profitable brands. But you, my friend, have to move past your fear and do the work to get your life back.