
Achieving Success in Professional Speaking as a Physician

Good morning #MedicalMoguls! It’s Dr. Drai. TODAY let’s discuss success as a professional speaking. The real success of every presentation is leaving your audience with something of value. What do they get out of spending time in your presentation? Many people believe that they need natural brilliance in speaking well and presenting well. They believe […]

A Professional Speaker Sets the Tone for the Message

Good morning #MedicalMoguls! It’s Dr. Drai. TODAY let’s discuss tips on setting the tone from the stage. As a professional speaker, everything you do the minute you walk into the room sets the tone for your message. Without even speaking one word, you can determine just how many people you will reach because their engagement […]

10 Tips for Physicians who are Professional Speakers

Good morning #MedicalMoguls! It’s Dr. Drai. TODAY let’s discuss tips as a professional speaker. Put your best foot forward every time! One of the reasons that many people fear taking the podium is because they are afraid of being the focal point of everyone’s attention and they don’t want to make a fool of themselves. […]

6 Questions that Physician Speakers Must Answer Before Hitting The Stage

Good morning #MedicalMoguls! It’s Dr. Drai. TODAY let’s discuss speaker must-haves before you hit the stage. In any presentation, there are basic pieces of information that an audience should receive from their presenter. You are the problem solver presenting a solution that will benefit your audience. Even if you are just blessing the newlyweds at […]

Top 5 Strategies to Effective Public Speaking as a Physician

Good morning #MedicalMoguls! It’s Dr. Drai. TODAY let’s discuss strategies to be an effective public speaker. I was never a huge fan of public speaking. I was always very nervous and had this overwhelming feeling the audience was judging my every word. I now know how to overcome my fears and deliver a memorable presentation. […]

Speech Topics Physicians Use To Capture The Full Attention!

Good morning #MedicalMoguls! It’s Dr. Drai. TODAY let’s discuss speaker topics. First, if you are looking for a persuasive speech topic, you must know that the more controversial the speech topics, are the more response you will get from your audiences. The topic sentence has to be a short, declarative sentence that states the central […]

6 Steps To Becoming A Powerful Physician Public Speaker

Good morning #MedicalMoguls! It’s Dr. Drai. TODAY let’s discuss becoming a powerful public speaker. Public speaking ranks right up there in terms of the things we are afraid to do. Whether it’s the fear of being watched closely by others, or the insecurity and self-conscious feeling of slipping up during the presentation, these 6 tips […]

History of Public Speaking

Good morning #MedicalMoguls! It’s Dr. Drai. TODAY let’s discuss the history of public speaking. There never has been in the history of the world a time when the spoken word has been equaled in value and importance by any other means of communication. If one traces the development of mankind from what he considers its […]

Public Speaking as a Physician: A Starters Guide

Good morning #MedicalMoguls! It’s Dr. Drai. TODAY let’s discuss how to get started speaking on stages. The record fear among most people is the horror of communal speaking. So how do you go about becoming a good presenter if you’ve never tried it before? First, you’re going to have to live it out. You can talk […]

Public Speaking as a Physician: The First 3 Minutes

Good morning #MedicalMoguls! It’s Dr. Drai. TODAY let’s discuss the first 3 minutes of your speech. This is it! You’ve landed your first Public Speaking engagement. You’ve have prepared and rehearsed. You are all ready to give your best presentation ever. As you begin you have exactly 3 minutes of your presentation to grab the […]

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