Learning Session 25 – Create a Sales Strategy, Use Selling language, Overcome Buying Objections, and Script an Irresistible Opportunity for Your Client to Work with You

Learning Session 25 – Create a Sales Strategy, Use Selling language, Overcome Buying Objections, and Script an Irresistible Opportunity for Your Client to Work with You

Session Progress:

Sales is a necessary skill for a Medical Mogul. In this session, you’ll do a deep dive on selling and create your own sales strategy and script for turning prospects into paying customers. You’ll role play and practice overcoming buying objections so you can grow confident with selling. Your expertise in sales will help you hire and develop a world-class sales team.

Master Coach(es):
● Dr. Draion Burch
● Wendy Y. Bailey
60 Minutes, including Q&A and 15 Minute Offer

● Avatar sound bites/language
● Key elements of your offer
● Sample sales script
● Sales strategy

Recommended Tools:
● Sales script sample
● Sales strategy checklist

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