Learning Session 28 – Legacy Mindset: Investments, Selling Your Business, Setting Your Business Up for the Next Generation

Learning Session 28 – Legacy Mindset: Investments, Selling Your Business, Setting Your Business Up for the Next Generation

Session Progress:

In this final session of your mastermind curriculum, you’ll discover how to set your business up for the benefit of the next generation. You’ll consider the type of investments, opportunities and vehicles that create a legacy for your children or family members. You’ll also delve into strategies to protect your wealth, including debt management (student loans, savings and liability and disability insurance), personal tax management, do’s and don’ts of loaning money and self-care.

Master Coach(es):
● Dr. Draion Burch
● Jeff Gray
60 Minutes, including Q&A and 15 Minute Offer
● Dan Buchanan
60 Minutes, including Q&A and 15 Minute Offer
● Roger Silvera
60 Minutes, including Q&A and 15 Minute Offer

● Investments
● Debt management strategy
● Personal tax management strategy
● Self-care/healthy living plan

Recommended Tools:
● Investment vehicles

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