
The Benefits of Setting Effective Daily Goals















Hello, #MedicalMoguls! It’s Dr. Drai, dean of Medical Moguls University. I help doctors who are stuck, stressed-out, and overwhelmed build profitable businesses based on their purpose so they can maximize their revenue in half the time. Doctors, it’s time for you to live in your purpose, create more profit, and have the time freedom that you deserve. Let’s talk about the benefits of setting daily goals!

Do you find it easy to set exciting goals, but you lose track somewhere along the way? As much as you want to lose weight or quit your job to pursue your passions, you often find yourself back where you started. Setting daily goals may be your key to success.

Of course, you can’t forget your long-term goals, but use short term goals to guide you towards your ultimate destination.  Find out more about the benefits of daily goals and how to use them.

Benefits of Daily Goals:

  1. Stay focused. It’s easy for your personal priorities to get buried under daily responsibilities. Short-term goals help you to remember your purpose. Keep your dreams in sight while you earn a paycheck and take care of your family.
  2. Break it down. A daily action plan also makes big projects less overwhelming. You can pick out one or 2 worthwhile steps you can complete each day. Building momentum will help you to persevere.
  3. Create urgency. What happens when you have a whole year to do something? If you tend to procrastinate, a tighter timeline will help you to move forward.
  4. Adapt faster. Sometimes you need to revise your goals or change your strategy. When you’re operating 24 hours at a time, you can resolve conflicts before they grow into something more serious.

Just having goals can make you happier and more productive, so make it an ongoing process. Transform your life by setting daily goals and striving to reach them.

Thank you for reading this blog post #MedicalMoguls. If you want to chat with me 1-on-1, schedule a FREE appointment here  Until next time, it’s Dr. Drai.


As one of the nation’s most acclaimed OB/GYN physicians and surgeons, Board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist Dr. Drai is also a nationally recognized best-selling author, speaker, medical business consultant and media personality. Dr. Drai is also Founder and Chief Medical Advisor of and shares his medical knowledge via YouTube channel “Medical T.” With his credentials, acclaimed larger-than-life “bedside manner,” it’s no wonder that the doctor is renowned as “America's OBGYN.” Known for his big personality and business acumen, Dr. Drai has turned his wisdom into an online training program such as “Medical Moguls Academy” where he coaches doctors how to monetize their medical expertise and turn their purpose into profit. Transitioning from academic medicine to boutique medicine, Dr. Drai is the owner of Amare Concierge, the new standard of healthcare for women.

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